TrueFoundry is a Cloud-native PaaS for Machine learning teams to build, deploy and ship ML/LLM Applications on their own cloud/on-prem Infra in a faster, scalable, cost efficient way with the right governance controls, allowing them to achieve 90% faster time to value than other teams.

Build fast, secure and cost-efficient ML LLM Apps. Enterprise Readyyour data and modules are securely housed within your cloud / on-prem infrastructure
LLM Playground to try out different LLMs LLM Gateway to monitor, cache, secure your LLM requests Deploy LLMs faster on your own cloud

TrueFoundry smartly converts user requirements to optimal infrastructure configuration. Customized to cloud, hardware and performance requirements.

Our mission is to deliver positive value from Machine Learning by making it fast and scalable.

We live in a Data Driven world. Companies are investing huge amounts in Data Pipelines (growing at 40% year-on-year on average) but unable to reap Business value from it. The stats speak for themselves  – 90% of ML Models built today don’t end up in Production! For the ones that do, it takes a median of 5 weeks. Compare this to 15 minutes it takes teams in FaceBook to deploy a model. A majority of Models deployed start break because of scaling issues. A good % of them are discarded due to issues that are hard to debug because of the absence of right monitoring Systems.  All these issues cripple organizations from deriving ROI from their investments in ML and prevent them from moving faster.

We believe that 5-10 years from now, organizations will thrive or fail based on how quickly they tie data to real business ROI, which means higher velocity of delivering ML enabled Products. However, companies will not be spending so much engineering bandwidth on a ML platform layer as they are doing today and instead will start with a streamlined system from Day 1. Every ML developer will be able to present their model to the entire world in a matter of minutes.  ML will be where compilers are today.

At TrueFoundry, we are enabling this transformation by automating parts in the ML pipeline that can be automated and empowering ML Developers to test and launch models in production quickly and with as much autonomy as possible. We draw our motivation from products created by Platform teams in top tech companies like Facebook, Google, Netflix etc that allow all teams to move much faster and deploy and iterate on their own.

Imagine a flow where after writing the code — you can call a genie and tell about your requirements like kind of service (Serverless, CronJob, Database, an API service), resource requirements like CPU, memory, etc and the genie creates the service with the best practices like Gitops, Infrastructure as Code (IAC) and then shows a dashboard with all the metrics created.

Best developer experience with state of the art performance

We Are TrueFoundry